Sunday Wellness Discussion: Diversity in the Outdoors
The Outdoors is for everyone, but if you look at most outdoor magazines, major brands websites and advertisements you might not think that. The story and narrative perpetuated by mainstream media is that the Outdoors is a predominantly white space, and that’s far from the truth. For Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) feeling welcome and safe in the Outdoors isn’t a given.
A panel discussion on Diversity in the Outdoors, moderated by Erika Henry (@erikahenry)
Panellists include:
AyeshaMcGowan - Pro Road Cyclist (@ayesuppose) Melissa Murdock - Founder of Brown Girls Hike (@browngrlshike) Debbie Njai - Founder of Black People Who Hike (@blackpeoplewhohike) Jessica Sepulveda - From All Colors in Nature (@allcolorsinnature) Erynne Gilpin founder of Indigenous Womxn Climb (@indigenouswomxnclimb) Erika Henry - Nature Lover (@erikahenry)